Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear John,

So we (K&L) have never actually deared a John, but we wanted to feel included in this mormon female rite of passage. We're actually kind of against the whole waiting for missionaries thing. Writing a friend that's fine, but i'm not into waiting for missionaries i think they need to focus on the work and they can worry about all the frustrations that come with girlfriends and dating when they get home. So this isn't your typical dear john letter. I mean seriously what two sisters would both write the same dude? Pretty sketchy..... i like to think we're not that way. Anyway, so my sister has a way boring job. She is a secretary and sits at the computer all day which is where she started following blogs. She would come home and tell me about these blogs she would follow and show them to me on her laptop. So we decided to venture into the blogging network and create one of our own; share our opinions and insights of young adulthood as well. Kinda fun huh?

So my insight for today is actually a question. Are dating games really necessary? I for one am not into the games. I will go out with a guy a few times and see if i like him and see if it could go anywhere. If i don't see it going anywhere or i am just not into him then i try and end it early. Why drag it out? If i do like him i keep dating him. That is to say if he feels the same way. The whole making him jealous or using one guy to get to another i am totally not into that However, i do know of some people that think that games are a necessary part of dating. They need to know "how he really feels." These girls and guys feel that with the games they get to know the person they're interested in better. Why do you think that is? I don't get it. Is it just the drama or excitment? Truthfully I don't understand. Anyway John why do you think that is? Any ideas? Just curious......

Simply L

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