Monday, November 16, 2009

Walk it out Granny!!!!

Dear John,

I have a client at work that reminds me of the walk it out granny. My client Pat is hilarious. She is eighty-seven and went to a theme park for her daugher's birthday and you better believe she rode every ride her daughter and her grandkids rode.And on halloween she decided to party it up so she left her oxygen in her car and went to a bar and partied till midnight!!!! I don't go to bars now so i'm sure i won't when i'm eighty-seven; but i hope i have half the spunk and zest for life that these ladies do. So live it up and walk it out grandmas!

Sincerly impressed but mostly amused,


Friday, October 23, 2009


Dear John,

We are now officially "gleeks". We'd heard a lot about the t.v. show Glee and decided to watch it Wednesday night and see what all of the hype was about. First impression- "Wow all of these kids look way better than anyone did in our high school." Afterthought- "They are probably all at least 21." Second impression- "Okay I love this show just because Finn is gorgeous and has an amazing voice. I think we will keep watching just for him." Last Impression- "Puck is equally gorgeous. He is a jew but we think he looks like a lamanite. I will probably get struck by lightning for saying this, but I may or may not be picturing Puck everytime I read the BOM from now on."

-Conclusion- Any show with ridiculously gorgeous and extremely talented men will keep us interested.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Got the Moves

Dear John,

Sorry for the lack of interesting stories to post. Our lives are pretty dull at the moment. As soon as something minutely noteworthy happens--we'll blog! In the meantime here is a video I cannot get enough. This seriously makes me cry from laughing so hard.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dear John,

We have both moved out and then came home for the summer. As you well know its now october, summer is over but regretfully i still live downstairs in my parents basement and my sister is upstairs across the hall from our parents. Everyone of our potential roommates bail out on us so moving out again has become something we enjoy only in our dreams each night. We may just have to embrace weber state life which for most students at this particular college entails living at home and commuting to school. So today i went to the local singles ward; ya know that ward where all who attend are the kids you went to high school with, the ward where the bishop just happens to work with your dad, and everyone there can still remember what you looked like while going through puberty. Yeah that kind of singles ward. I was kinda excited to see who would be there and what everyone was like. I was disappointed however to find out that nothing had changed. The clicks were still the same. People still sat by the same people they hung out with years before in high school, there were still boys wearing cowboyboots with their suits, the weirdo highly spiritual couple still make comments to every question. And like every small town everyone knows your business and has way to much of your personal information they got from someone other than yourself. Wow some things never change.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Puppy Passengers

Dear John,

Why is it growing up in a small town makes Dogs riding in vehicles seem normal?




Wednesday, October 14, 2009

News Anchors and Commercial Time

Dear John,

I'm glad the important details of the news are in these people's hands. Seriously. This is brilliant.



{via Cup of Jo}

When Did Your Heart Go Missing?

Dear John,

So many great concerts coming up these next few months! Mat Kearney, The Bravery, Imogen Heap, Dashboard, Rooney, Hawthorne Heights, From First to Last. I might just have to go to all of them :)

Impatiently Waiting,